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Use of MegaTower's Trademarks

Below are the trademarks and properties that belong to MegaTower Technologies Co., Ltd. They must be used in accordance with the guidelines provided.

Regardless of where in the world our trademarks are registered, only the following trademarks and phrases should appear with the ® on first mention:





When using any of MEAGATOWER’s trademarks, you must follow these guidelines:

· The trademark must always be written as detailed.

· The trademarks must always be written in English and not translated.

· Spell and capitalize the trademarks exactly as they are shown.

· Use only MegaTower-approved artwork when using MegaTower’s logos. Contact your Account Manager or MegaTower’s Partner Marketing Team if you do not have access to the official logo artwork.

On first mention in any piece of marketing collateral or document, the correct symbol (either ® or ™) must be applied to distinguish the trademark.


In all instances wherever practical, the following legal disclaimer should be applied as a footer:

© 2022 MegaTower Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. are trademarks or registered trademarks of MegaTower Technologies Co., Ltd. Other company and product names are used for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

It is understood that in some instances, like small social media advertisements, it is not possible to include the disclaimer text due to limited space. In such instances, applying the trademark symbol and writing the mark correctly is sufficient.



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